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- Wow, 50 Monday posts!?

- Almost a year! *Pats my own shoulder*

I've had complications in real life which have forced me to not be able to update the game today. I feel really bad for breaking this invisible agreement I made with you all. The update will be postponed a week. Accidents happens, I don't want to give you details but I've had some problems to find time because of important things to deal with in life which I can't control over.

Now all bimbo lovers keep reading! 

The game is for you, I can of course create whatever I want and hope that you all will like it. Though I prefer to have this dialog with you all before I do what I just mentioned. 

Now I have some plans about the bimbo path. I want to add a reaction event for all important characters where they of course will find out how naive and easy Victoria is to be deceived in her new state. Which means there will be first time events with all important characters. Like old man, jerk and innkeeper.    

I also want to add some events with the townspeople, now when Victoria is easy to manipulate she can easily give free handjobs or even blowjobs I feel like flashing is not enough here.

Brothel will also get a few scenes with a bimbo version, but I feel like doing to much of these scenes as a bimbo should lead to a bad end. Victoria could find a cure for this state asking Adeline (The witch). Then I could add more ways to become bimbo and make it easier to become normal again, maybe some side effects could be visible after being transformed too much and that could also lead to a bad end. 

Leave a commend and let me know what you think.

Cheers to another great week together! 

Yours truly WhiteRaven




I enjoy the water sports section of the game. It would be nice that if you made Victoria into water sports she would tell the people she is pleasing around town that they are welcome to relieve themselves on her after they have cum. Perhaps instead she drinks it all down? Would avoid having to come up with scenes explaining how she gets rid of the smell like the end of the current scenes. Would still want to see the stream go into her mouth.


Well that could be the next step in that kink, drinking and happily telling people where they can find her. But I don't promise anything right now also trying to focus right now on bimbo content but remind me later these are some great ideas.

Jenny Salissa

I might die of anxious anticipation if the next Monday post doesn't happen soon. :P