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Happy Mondays everyone!

I'm here with another Monday post 40 weeks I've been doing this now! Time does pass... 

I'm unfortunately on a place with very limited amount of internet. So I'll be hard to reach for a few more days and there won't be another bugfix until Wednesday, but don't think I'm not working on the game! Even though I'm not able to fix the mistakes I've done in 1.7.2 I'm still able to write scenes and plan for future updates. Speaking off, 1.8.0 might be delayed. I might not be able to release it at the 29th of July because of where I am for the moment. I hope you don't mind this smaller delay I do aim to release new updates every other Monday post from now on, which also means the updates will be outer more often but with less content. I want to create a good working routine for me and Martiandawn which I think will speed up the process of the game if it works. 

As you all know ever since the release, I've been busy reading bug reports and searching for bugs. No work on the new update in terms of renders or rpg maker mv events. 

Lets talk about a few things I want to add in the next version. I'm preparing for the follow up post which I will post after I release the new version for the 2$ tier patrons.  So that they can participate in the discussion. 

I've got a specific backstory in mind for Bogwart which will involve the orc woman who lives in the cave and the futa orc who fucks Victoria if she sleeps at Bogwarts place. The story of his background is not written but I know what I want to write about, I've considered doing a small game with Bogwart in focus, "The origins of Bogwart" or something like that but I don't know... Might be boring for most of you. Though it involves tricking an elf to learn him things and then he corrupts her and turn her into something else I don't want to spoil to much... Maybe I'll add the story but shorter in AND instead of making a game jsut for that purpose. 

I've also thought about adding a few events outside the town, making it impossible for Victoria to travel between the two cities without some followers or specific events. Such as orc groups walking around trying to catch everyone they see to mushrooms and berries who will sometimes be covered in goblin cum. Read the goblin lore to find out why goblins cum on mushrooms and berries. 

I do also need to tie the milking and glory hole at the orc city with the lore in the town instead of having Victoria willingly perform her tasks she needs to be more reluctant when she do them. Almost as if she's forced, though she will do it with her own will because of the chances of finding some valuable information about her mother and father.   

There's a few more things I'm considering to add in 1.8.0 which I will write about in the follow up post, I do already think this post is to long filled with my gibberish^^.

At least now you know why I'm hard to reach right now, hopefully you don't mind me getting a few more days of rest before I will be back home and able to upload a fixed version of the all your bug reports. Thank everyone who reported bugs! Was very helpful and thanks for another great week together! 

Yours truly WhiteRaven.  


Naughty James

You know WhiteReavn, I was thinking, when you first met the orc lady in the cave to get the bread stuff from her, she makes a comment about how because of her biggggggggg boooobbbiieeesss, she was the town fuck toy, I was thinking to add to the back story, Bogwart did that to her and made her boobies bigger and even went so far that she fell in love with him as well as hooked on him takeing her around the town as the fuck toy, but she was able to break out of the cum issies and maybe she was a milk cow, but she did found a way to break out of it like that one witch who was giving warning to vickly about sarah, and even take it one step further, they was married some how but she found a way to get of of the control and sex games that bogwart was doing with her and her boobies,, I am thinking of ways and back story since the couple of times the orc lady made a couple of comments


The way I see it even orcs beneath all other orcs - are still above goblins. And goblin sauce obviously wouldn't affect other beast races (orcs, minos), gotta be human or elf for that (succubi are sexdemons, they naturally are very weak when it comes to that).