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- Extremely short Monday post? 

- Sure why not...

Happy Mondays my friends, last week was indeed very great for me. I'm almost confident that the walk-through will be finished this week! It's my goofy design tests that have slowed down the work the last few days... I really want to do some clever solution on my website with the Patreon API, unfortunately I realized that this is too time consuming for me right now. Maybe after I finish the new release I can go back and polish the walk-through and the design. This is what I have in mind, doing like a wiki page with useful information of each character and how to get all their scenes, then you navigate with a clever menu.

I've been doing some work with Blake and bimbo Sarah and working on bogwart slave path. You can see the first cg from an animation with Sarah and Blake above, will add background around blakes legs and feet before it's finished. 

The new update (1.7.0) will be shorter than 1.6.0, after the walk-through is finished I want to push out the updates faster. I'm really looking forward to the summer, I feel like I'll get more time to work on the game! I still don't have a date for when I think the new update will be out, needs a few more weeks before I think there's enough content for an update.

This week I will focus on writing the walk-through... which I've said the last couple of weeks... 

Work on bogwarts path finish the new scene with the bitchsuit add more events to the orc city.  

- Wait didn't you say extremely short Monday post?

- Who? Me...? Nah... I didn't say anything about a short Monday post!  

Happy Monday and cheers to another great week together! 

Yours truly WhiteRaven. 




hmm, isnt it tuesday today? or is my clock completely wrong?


The post have been here for 19 hours, today is Tuesday, yesterday was Monday. ^^