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Wow it's actually Monday... and WhiteRaven is not late with the Monday post! Quick give him a pat on his shoulder... thank you very much! 

To all new patrons, welcome! Mondays with WhiteRaven is a post I do weekly, this is the 26th week I'm doing this.  Basically I tell you what I've done and what to do. 

Last week I was busy with reading all bug reports and figuring out if it actually is a bug or not. I did also create a system to download and upload saves for the online version, it's working as it should right now though every time I upload a save I can't play it online might be something else that I need to change before it works so that the game can load the files as well. Check out the new online save system here https://patreonwhiteraven.com/save 

I spent all other time on writing the walk-through. Still much left to write before it's finished. 

This week I'll focus on finish the walk-through I know that many of you are waiting for it to be able to see everything in the game. Have patience I'm doing my best to finish it right now! 

I don't think I've said it enough, thank you for supporting me!

Happy Monday and cheers to another great week together! 

Yours truly WhiteRaven.




Im playing 1.6.4 tho


1.6.0 have the same content as 1.6.4 the difference is, 1.6.4 have had 4 bug fixes and 1.6.0 none. Hope that make sense.


taking care of bugs is one thing, but I've noticed a lot of spelling errors. One in particular where wench is spelled incorrectly, where exactly is spelled wrong...SMT