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- Happy Monday! hehe... 

- Yeah but this Monday you actually have a reason to be late with the post... but again stop you piece of s***.

- Sorry WhiteRaven I won't be late again... 

- That's right WhiteRaven! 

Another week another late post... well actually I do post mostly on Mondays! All new patrons don't think I'm lazy! Anyway, I've been so busy with fixing all the bugs/issues the new version created. I've not had time to write anything at the walk-through. This week will only be focused on the walk-through though so expect a patron only walk-through in a not so far future. Nothing else to report actually. 

I do want to take this opportunity to thank you all for supporting me and the game creation, I need to get better at writing these post on Mondays and my new game updates needs to have less bugs! This is a promise from me to you because you deserve it. 

Thanks again and happy erhm... Tuesday... and cheers to another great week together! 

Yours truly WhiteRaven.



Jeff Watson

Tuesday's not that far from Monday, not a thing with me. Keep doing what you do WhiteRaven!!!


So I’m guessing that’s Sarah if you don’t lead her to bogwart and make her into a bimbo