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Hello everyone, it's been a while since I did a Monday post. I apologize the radio silence from my side. It's been some busy days for me.

However I'll try to keep weekly posting from now on.

I've of course been working on the game during my "radio silence" and writing on the walk-through. I find it really boring writing the walk-through so please bear with me I promise a updated walk-through out shortly. I've been reworking some clunky animations and bug testing the game.

Martiandawn just finished a bunch of animations for the glory hole scene in orc town. Above you can see a picture from the scene! 

This week I'm going to focus on

  • Writing the glory hole scenes
  • Keep working on the Walk-through
  • Bug fixing

The change log so far may look short, but I've prepared many animations and cg's which will be added in the game shortly so don't worry. 


Version 1.6.0


Shorter scenes



+ Added 19 new animations (Total: 402)

+ 23 new CG's (Around 1261 in the game)

+ Changed two clunky 2 frame animations with the innkeeper and Lucy to a 32 frame animations

+ Changed a clunky 2 frame animations with Blake and Lucy to a 32 frame animation

+ Victoria can now mix with Sarah's drink in the tavern

+ A new event with Sarah

+ Added new dialog between Victoria and the old lady's children (Goodness points)

+ Added a new 5 day event with Juliette (Curing cum addiction)

Big fixes

+ Fixed some typos and grammar mistakes

+ Fixed not being able to load old saves 

Cheers to another great week together! 

Yours truly WhiteRaven




Where can i download an update


<a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/and-version-1-5-23642874">https://www.patreon.com/posts/and-version-1-5-23642874</a>

Edwin Garrison

for the goblin to take you to the orc camp as a slave, isnt there something different if shes a virgin still? im at 500 cor, and he still hasnt taken her. nor any other missions .thx