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TLDR; There's now time based rewards tied to a pledge tier, would you be interested in receiving a finished html/visual novel game for a limited period of time? Or do you want me to focus on finish the game that I'm creating? 

As the title states there's now special offers available for creators kinda like a time based thing to give supporters something which is only available for a short period of time. At first I was like, "well meh that's not going to really effect me..." But then I thought about maybe you, my supporters actually are interested in something like this. I could for example create a smaller finished html/visual novel game and only release it for patrons as a special offer. Like a time limited gift, this special reward will be gifted to all patrons and all new patrons under lets say December. 

Then the question is, are you even interested in receiving something like this? Maybe you want me to keep grinding with the development of the game that I'm creating already. So I decided to ask you all since you are my employee in some sense, without you I need to find another job.

Cheers! Yours truly WhiteRaven 



I like A New Dawn, this game reminds me Legend of Zelda, but this game is superior even because it adds the theme of the adult game, the story is more realistic because it is really the reflection of human history as such, remember that human history is not a fairy tale with happy endings, it is really something terrible, with wars, rapes, (sadly but it is reality) .... Anyway, this is the kind of game that most impresses. Personally I do not like other styles like html, renpy, etc. I like this game as it is. I hope this game keeps growing because it is one of the best I've seen


I'm glad you like it and thanks for your kind words, makes me happy to hear it :)