Mondays with WhiteRaven (Patreon)
I've been mostly up to trying to find a solution to why the animations freezes without a good result yet. I found out the cause behind the bug and how to prevent it but this could only be a temporally fix, we'll just have to wait and see but all my tests seems like it's fixed.
I've also rendered 7 animations myself, Martiandawn have finished 16 animations and have 8 animations coming soon.
Three new maps are done orc fortress, orc city outside and orc city. I'm trying to add these maps in the next version with a mission to get there, which will lead to the end game.
This week I'll focus on writing scenes for further innkeeper blowjob, Debbie, New taxman requests and a new tavern wench scene.
The changelog seems small right now but a lot of preparation have been done so it will be longer next week.
Version 1.4.0
+ A new scene Sophie and the goblins (8 animations)
+ A new scene Bogwart and Victoria (2 animation)
+ Added 10 new animations (Total: 308)
+ 21 new CG's (Around 1111 in the game)
+ Now the tax will be raised every third day
Cheers! Yours truly WhiteRaven