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I could not find the bugs listed below, this version should be stable and playable with some minor bugs lurking around.
  • Innkeeper scene with Emma plays during night time 
  • daytime claims to be tired at the brothel 

Bugfix version 1.3.1

+ Fixed image when inspecting ass would not disappear.

+ Fixed if working as a prostitute at night the game crashed.

+ Fixed MP got remove if a customer refused to take Victoria

+ Fixed prostitution customer didn't move properly

+ Fixed can buy mirror more than one time

+ Fixed image when customer refuses didn't disappear properly

+ Fixed when you haggle with customer and say no he agreed automatically

+ Fixed can sleep at old mans house before finish his quest

+ Fixed bj scene with innkeeper didn't play second time

+ Fixed bj scene movement innkeeper

+ Changed debbie quest 

+ Fixed debbie quest

+ Fixed crashing when washing old man

+ Fixed haggle event so that the customer can't haggle when the price is 1 silver if you have 

negative values it should now autocorrect it to 1 silver

+ Fixed old man and jerk, changed how you choose where to stay. Jerk now needs to be talked to before you flash him.

+ Fixed flour quest not starting at the old man



ONLINE - still not working.

Cheers! Yours truly WhiteRaven



Jenny Salissa

My bugs: - Upon completing the spying on Debbie, you can still continue to go back into the cellar, but it will keep playing the scene revealing Angel to be a succubus. Only instead of Angel or anyone in the cellar, there is nobody, so you're essentially stuck in the cellar until you quit the game. - If you meet with the Dark Elf woman in the woods the first time and decide to please her (but not have sex), it will freeze at a certain moment. (This is bad if you say that you're not a virgin when you definitely are not.) - If you meet with the Dark Elf woman later in the game and choose to have sex with her, it will freeze at a certain point. - When giving a blowjob to the black customer at the brothel, the game freezes up. - Here's a really weird one. After I told Sarah that I found the succubus at the brothel, I continued life as I usually did, but I found that I was wearing my brothel clothes instead of my day-to-day clothes. No big deal, right? After all, you have to escape wearing them in the current set up. But when I tried to sleep at the place I was staying at (the creepy guy who gives you a breast enhancer), the game said I wasn't allowed in the room. After staying the night with the dark elf woman in my confused state, I learned that the game somehow switched me into believing that I was staying at the other place (the guy who takes baths). I'm not sure what happened or what changed, but there it was. In fact, not only that, but the guy punished me for not getting bread for him that day (even though I hadn't even talked to him prior to that). Somehow I was flagged as staying at that inn.


Thanks for reporting your findings, as for the brothel and dark elf freezes I'm almost certain that the cause is text speeding. For some reason the game freezes for me as well if I hold down next button (Speed up text) but not if I click one time only, unfortunately I can't change anything to make this bug disappear since it freezes between a text box and an animation which means the bug is somewhere in the RPG maker MV code which can be anywhere. This bug should be handled be the developers behind RPG makers. I totally forgot that Victoria would be wearing her brothel outfit^^ I guess she'll have to sneak back in and change, this opens an opportunity for a sex scene in the future.


Let's talk about other things than something that angry ... ah wait, a little last: I noticed that the freeze bug images about speed texting appear in my parts more often when I increased the size of the breasts to Vicky. When her breasts are normal, it does not freeze that side. Otherwise, other than that, when will you have the choice to wait before saving Sophie? I block my last part at the level of the quests of Sarah to just be able to let them be corrupted (so ... in fact ... I'm running in circles now ^^). There I am just after talking to Sarah the first time, to prevent the rest chained. Another question: Well it is clear that everyone is corrupt in this city and that appearances are sometimes deceptive (See who is the real owner of the brothel!). But I was wondering something. Sarah has been drinking since we know her. The bar is a high place to be corrupted little by little. Could it be that the beer that is served in the bar serves to corrupt the customers? Could Sarah get corrupted this way? Will you be able to see one of the team members as a waitress or bunny in the bar? Sarah and Blake are in the same bar, is that in a version where Vicky is very corrupt and the other members (Sophie, Julia and Emma, ​​maybe Anne (Ginger) too) are too, Blake can submit Sarah? Or Sarah kidnapped by Blake, and Vicky probably going to "save" her? Finally, last "big" questions: What do you plan to do the main story about what is happening outside the walls of the city? What happens to Vicky's mother? Will you see her in town during an event or in a more regular way? What's the secret behind the old man's presence at the bottom left of the city?


Let me answer this when I'm done smashing these bugs, really good questions which needs a good answer as well.