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Another update have seen the daylight and now I want all of yours feedback, suggestions and criticism! This is your chance to let me know your thoughts of the current update!

What I'm most interested in, is what you think about the day/night cycles. The purpose was to remove some grind so that you only need to finish 2 instead of 4 jobs and then one lewd night job. Also making room for other lewd stuff in the city such as prostitution but also making the lewd scenes in the game more natural. 

And a little sneak peak into the future!

In the next update I'm going to focus on: 

  • The brothel infiltration mission (Main quest)
  • Brothel scenes
  • Prostitution at night time

Lower priority:

  • New daily outfit
  • Connecting slave path with the real path
  • A Bogwart mission (Main quest)
  • Cum addiction bad end

For now I've decided that to work at the brothel you can't be addicted to cum. If you are you need to take the Bogwart mission instead.

*A little spoiler warning if you don't want to know what that will be about!*

In Bogwarts mission you'll infiltrate the orc camp as his slave which means more lewd scenes!

Cheers! Yours truly WhiteRaven.  




i really enjoyed less grind, be good to add a little more heroism tho, however one thing i would love is if you could remove the scream sound every time she has a nightmare.


Interesting never thought the screaming would affect the gameplay in a bad way, might do a poll on this thanks for letting me know!


once would be fine but its every time a nightmare happens


Yea it is a nightmare, hence the screaming^^ Joking aside, I'll do a poll for this I'm interested in the other patrons thoughts as well. Maybe the screaming sound should be lower, removed or selectable :)