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Version 1.0.2


+ A new scene (Bogwart the goblin with 16 different animations)

+ A new repetable, variation of bogwart scene.

+ A new scene (Jasmin the one silver whore with 6 different animations)

+ A new repetable, variation of Jasmin scene

+ A new repetable, variation of Jasmin scene

+ A new repetable, variation of Jasmin scene

+ A new scene (Emma and Innkeeper with 9 different animations)

+ A new repetable, variation of Emma and innkeeper scene

+ A new scene (Victoria and innkeeper cum addiction 11 different animations) 

+ A new repetable, variation of Victoria and innkeeper cum addiction


+ A new dream (Prostitution)

+ A new dream (Prostitution)

+ A new dream (Prostitution)


+ A new punishment event when staying with the old man (Talk to him before you've finish his favour)

+ Added 42 new animations (Total: 126)

+ 45 new CG's (Around 862 in the game)

+ 16 new face CG's

+ A new goblin walking character

+ Removed 2385 PNGs from the game (1.97 GB) replaced with 84 WEBM (77.3 MB) (The reason I made animations with PNG-sequences before was, 

the quality of the animations was better that way. But now I found a great tool to make webm fast from png-sequences 

and keep the good quality)

+ Reworked all events with animation in the game (Time consuming! puh...)


+ Fixed the width of null bug that occured when playing animations

+ Fixed old scene with bogwart the goblin did not play so you'll probably see a new scene here as well

+ Added the option to choose where you're sleeping when skipping the intro so you don't need to see Victoria talk to the innkeeper, oldman and the jerk

+ Added a some more conversation in the punish event with the old man

+ Fixed old man blocking the entrance if you talked to him from above

+ Fixed you could get punished by the old man even if he havn't asked for a favour yet.

+ Changed prostitution dream to start after you've seen Jasmin at least 3 times.

+ Changed the position of Jasmin scene once you've seen the first one (moved it 2 steps to the left not forcing you to see it everytime you walk by the stairs)

+ Added option to view the meanwhile scene or not

+ Changed the discount variable, you didn't get any discount on the first day if you flash him because you earned to little silver.

+ Removed an event which would let you view the threesome behind the pub more than one time 

+ Fixed image didn't disappear properly after leaving the inn

+ Fixed image didn't disappear properly when you won't allow Blake to grope your butt

+ Fixed two missing Blake image references.

+ Fixed accidentaly triggering the GH innkeeper event after the cum addiction event

+ Fixed showing your tits to the tax man even though you said no to the discount






As far as I see are the only two options to loose your virginity the elf and Mr Black. Or am Inn wrong. Some action with the innkeeper would be nice.


Yes I've chosen not to focus on these actions but I've got things planned for George (the innkeeper). There's an empty bed in the inn^^


does the cum addiction with victoria work with inn keeper and the girl that you save from orcs?


The public version is always one version behind the patron only version. Bugfixes doesn't count as versions, so when I release version 1.2.0, version 1.1.x will be out for the public.