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Version 0.7.6


+ New scene with black patron (Includes 8 different Animations)

+ Added a variation of scene with black patron (variation of the scene above)

+ Added a variation of scene with black patron (repeatable)

+ Added a variation dialogs on previus black patron scene

+ Added a variation dialogs on the goblin scenes at the shore


+ A new dream(dance)

+ A new dream(dance)

+ A new dream(Glory hole)

+ A new dream(Glory hole)


+ A new costume(You can get it from see enough dance dreams)

+ A new costume(You can get it from the cleaning lady)

+ Added a new dance job with the new costume

+ Added a new dialogs and work for the new wench outfit

+ Added a new mission with two different outcomes

+ Added some conversation with the purpose to explain the situation in the world

+ After you've seen all scenes with the black patron you can chose which scene you'd like to play

+ 308 images from Martiandawn that creates 16 different animations (8 with BE and 8 without BE)

+ Additional 60 new CG's in the game (Around 790 CG's in the game).

+ Additional 8 new face CG's

+ Added mirrors, they show your current state such as virginity, corruption and current level of cum addiction

+ Added dialogs in the brothel

+ Added cheat skull for patreons

+ Added a algorithm for not seing dreams who's done, ex: if you've seen all dance dreams there's only 10% chance 

to see it until you've seen every dream then it's 33% again

+ Fixed a bunch of grammar typos and spellings reported by OhioOkie

+ Fixed a bunch of grammar typos and spellings reported by ADIDAS from TFGamesite.com

+ Added names to people in the town 

+ Added a variation on the dance event (BE dancing)

+ Changed the dialog at the pub dancer and tavern wench suggested by OhioOkie

+ Added a new dialog after working longer in the tavern (nickname and other stuff)

+ Changed dialog with cleaning lady and added some that goes with the progression in the tavern work

+ Changed dialog with black patron suggested by OhioOkie

+ Changed the flour quest start, after the old man have told you once you don't need to hear it once again...

+ Created a system for cum addiction with two variables cum cravings and cum drinked. 

The level of cum craving depends on how far your cum addiction variable have gone.

Cum drinked does also depends on which kind of cum you drink, goblin cum have very high points!


+ Removed the bunny dance event when the bunny where not dancing

+ Fixed a bug, drinking one jar with goblin cum removed two

+ Fixed a bug if you've only activated dance dream and jerk dream you could only dream of dancing.

+ Changed the jerk cum addiction event to only occur if you're actually craving cum.

+ Changed the cum addiction level system so it work as it should.

+ Changed if you're craving cum you wont dream of anything right after the blowjob scene.

+ Changed energy cost removes as you accept to comb the horses

+ Fixed patrons asking for three beers not two at the pub

+ Fixed could only warn the girls from the innkeeper if you stay at the old mans house

+ Added the last BE images for the dance event

+ Fixed the GH dream

+ Fixed could work washing lady even after you've declared earnings

+ Fixed a typo reported by OhioOkie

+ Fixed dance variable not reseting properly

+ Fixed Blake scene going off even though it was not supposed to

+ Fixed ask for sarah even when she's back

+ Fixed stop dancing giving you twice your sallary

+ Fixed endless loop with the black man scene

+ Fixed couldn't talk to bar maid after nickname was chosen

+ Fixed Sarah moving after mission 2 done

+ Grammars and typos reported by Kelia

+ Fixed image not going away after the new black scene

+ Fixed the animations didn't show up

+ Fixed Sarah image not going away

PS there's an unfinished mission with Sarah in this update so if you start a third mission you know that you can't finish it...

patreoncode = 20005981







whats the code 4 cheat skull?

Naughty James

LOL going to love beta testing this game for you and seeing if I can break it for you, lol I have beta tested star wars the old republic and still playing that game, , beta tested star trek online and a lifetimer for that game, yea I broke that game a bit to much for them exploring and story telling mission, lol love the ESD glitch where you walk around the out side and look at all the ships coming to ESD. still playing sto and I have beta tested a few others but loving your game work so far, glad I am supporting you, wish I knew how to learn this RPG stuff, I have a few ideas but then again i be syfy hardcore adult style, lol