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CHANGELOG Version 0.7


+ New scene with black patron (Includes 8 different Animations)

+ Added a variation of scene with black patron (variation of the scene above)

+ Added a variation of scene with black patron (repeatable)

+ Added a variation dialogs on previus black patron scene

+ Added a variation dialogs on the goblin scenes at the shore


+ A new dream(dance)

+ A new dream(dance)

+ A new dream(Glory hole)

+ A new dream(Glory hole)


+ A new costume(You can get it from see enough dance dreams)

+ A new costume(You can get it from the cleaning lady)

+ Added a new dance job with the new costume

+ Added a new dialogs and work for the new wench outfit

+ Added a new mission with two different outcomes

+ Added some conversation with the purpose to explain the situation in the world

+ After you've seen all scenes with the black patron you can chose which scene you'd like to play

+ 308 images from Martiandawn that creates 16 different animations (8 with BE and 8 without BE)

+ Additional 60 new CG's in the game (Around 790 CG's in the game).

+ Additional 8 new face CG's

+ Added mirrors, they show your current state such as virginity, corruption and current level of cum addiction

+ Added dialogs in the brothel

+ Added cheat skull for patreons

+ Added a algorithm for not seing dreams who's done, ex: if you've seen all dance dreams there's only 10% chance 

to see it until you've seen every dream then it's 33% again

+ Fixed a bunch of grammar typos and spellings reported by OhioOkie

+ Fixed a bunch of grammar typos and spellings reported by ADIDAS from TFGamesite.com

+ Added names to people in the town 

+ Added a variation on the dance event (BE dancing)

+ Changed the dialog at the pub dancer and tavern wench suggested by OhioOkie

+ Added a new dialog after working longer in the tavern (nickname and other stuff)

+ Changed dialog with cleaning lady and added some that goes with the progression in the tavern work

+ Changed dialog with black patron suggested by OhioOkie

+ Changed the flour quest start, after the old man have told you once you don't need to hear it once again...

+ Created a system for cum addiction with two variables cum cravings and cum drinked. The level of cum craving depends on how far your cum addiction variable have gone.Cum drinked does also depends on which kind of cum you drink, goblin cum have very high points!


+ Removed the bunny dance event when the bunny where not dancing

+ Fixed a bug, drinking one jar with goblin cum removed two

patreoncode = 20005981


Cheers! your's WhiteRaven



Naughty James

I have a dumb question? OK at each table once you get the wench outfit and you have that one guy who grabs her ass and slaps it good as she leaves the table. I am not sure if you want the miss captain to be a straight lady or a bi-kind but it be cool that , I know in the one part she frown on it when she doing her wench outfit, but after a while she gives in and starts accepting her for what she is doing and even slaps her ass a few times or wink wink, takes her behind the bar to make the wench work for her coin for the day. Just a idea though.


Sounds cool I've not thought about corrupting the captain but it would definitely be funny ;)

Naughty James

Yea when it comes to these corrupting games or them make them a slave since I am demon master kind of guy, lol I tend to push it and have views on how some of them play it out, I play a lot of games that had that mode in them and some are really good in corruptions and even one of the games I play, I am master slave trainer and have a brothol home with a whole lot of them trained for certain ways of night fun, lol. others games are like yea here girl, spank her, she trained, now end of story, lol nah not for me since most will fight back till they see it fun and they can make a ton of money living this way for them.