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I read my mail today and noticed that I was invited to this years patreoncon that's held in LA. First I thought wow great they're even paying my ticket since it said that, but when I read more it said that they're only paying me for a creator pass to the event and you've got to pay the trip and hotel by yourself :( I've claimed my ticket to the event so I'm only missing a plane ticket and hotel room.

Since most of the money from this patreon site goes to buy new characters, clothes and stuff from renderotica.com and daz3d.com I decided to start a fundraiser to afford a plane ticket and a hotel room for the event. I'm gratefull for every donation I'll get! I might try vlog or take picture and make notes to show you guys afterwards!

You can read more about patreoncon here https://www.patrecon.com/ 

Cheers! Your's WhiteRaven



I've been invited to this years patreoncon. But I don't have enough money to go there. A trip to LA where it's held, is about 350$ and a hotel is around 300$ for three days. I know most of you're already pledging but if all my patrons gives 2$ each, the campaign is finished!


Notalie Portman

I was going to contribute, but I saw I was going to have to deal with payment details again and I got lazy. I'll come back later.


No problem :) If you don't want to deal with the details you can just send to my paypal account truelytherealwhiteraven@gmail.com :)