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KNOWN BUGS (Will fix soon!)

* Online version is not working.

* Some dreams at jerk house will stop working after the new deal.

* It's impossible to finish the waitress job at some points.

* You can push the curtain after the new deal is sealed, which can break the game.

And I think one more bug is reported but can't seem to find the report, happy for a new one if you can spot it! 




Version 0.5


+ New sexual scene (goblin shore)

+ New sexual scene (goblin shore repetable)

+ New sexual scene (Inn keeper)

+ Short scene taxman (old CG's)

+ Short scene new character (town)

+ Short scene pup squad test(old CG's)

+ Changed taxman interaction.

+ Adding a variation on pub groping

+ Adding a variation on pub flashing

+ Added a variation on food deliver goblin

+ Added a shorter scene food deliver goblin (disobey second time)

+ shorter scene introducing new character (jerk house)


+ A new dream (Inn keeper)

+ A new dream (Inn keeper)

+ A new dream (Inn keeper)

+ A new dream (jerk house)

+ A new dream (jerk house)


+ A new area (Shore next to the cave) 

+ A new item (That you can drink will effect the protagonist)

+ Changed how taxes works.

+ Added a witch who will learn you to control your dreams in later versions.

+ Changed dream text after a patreon's suggestion.

+ A total of 84 new CG's in the game (Around 340 CG's in the game).

+ Additional 18 new face CG's

+ New deal at the jerk house

+ New character (introduced at the jerk house)

+ Changed the skip intro, will start in the town now.

+ Fixed jerk bug, prevented some events to run

+ Changed earnings from 1 silver to 2, when washing clothes

+ Fixed feed hens bug, you could sleep before the event was finished

+ Changed common events to be max 200, variables and switches to 500. Which means you can't use older saves from 0.4 now and be sure that it works. 

+ Fixed images not removed correctly

+ Fixed prison goblin wont come back

+ Fixed dreams player got stuck


- Removed MP cost at old mans house, prevented you from earning enough money.

Cheers! Your's WhiteRaven