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+ Fixed a bug prevented from dancing at jerk route

+ Fixed a bug, washing women complained about you dancing witouth even dancing.




Cheers, your's WhiteRaven



yeap, thx for that update now it works fine for me!


So mind sharing your plans for next release ? >_< also why have some thongs that were in ver 0.3 been removed from ver 0.4 ? like when i live with the "jerk" prevoiusly om the second day he would spy on u, the "is she not up yet, its alrdy midday..." scene and when u showed him bewbs a few times the scene changes, she gets lost in thought and keeps standing there with chest exposed, almost eager to show him, tgose thongs do not happen anymore ; ( , unless they're bugs, if so quite serious...


Have you started over when these things did not happen or did you play on a saved file. They're not supposed do be removed from the game...