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I've added a very poorly made chat server to the website, you can access it by clicking on the button where it says chat from this site. Please don't spam the chat or abuse it in some other way, because then I've need to remove it... 




It's working now, you can see who's online in the chat and see everything that's posted there for 12 hours! Cheers!


Looking good! When you have time, if possible, I recommend adding a way to monetize it, with a spam timer(Limiting a user from sending more than one message within 10 seconds) and block out links/urls to avoid spam, and people linking sites with virus' etc. And maybe when the site is further in development with other sections, move the chat system to the same page as the other content and have it on either side of the screen to be used while people browse the site or play the game. This way they don't have to switch tabs to use the chat while playing/browsing.