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So me and my patrons have reached another milestone that I've set! 

As I promised, I bought a website and a domain, you can visit the site here: patreonwhiteraven.com

The website is still under development, but I wont focus to much on the website for now. I'll add some galleries and such later :) 

This means, you don't need to download the game anymore, YAY! :D, I've just made the site very simple, but as I said I'll add more things to the website in the future, my goal is to synchronize Patreon and the website. For now I have one password for all my patrons to use, I'll change it quite often so you can't share it with non patrons... 

There's also a way for the public to play the game there.

Just leave the input fields empty and press play, the public version of the game will start automatic. For now you can only save in your browser meaning you can't download the save and play it on your computer :/ However you can if you're leaving cookies, come back and play the saved state of the game. (Everyone is leaving cookies if you've not changed it by yourself)

However I'm pretty happy with the result, and your feedback is more than welcome! 

The site will have some ads but only for the public, if you can't be a patron to me but want to support me I encourage you to press the ads giving me a small support :D (You don't have to).

I'm very thankful of all the support I've gotten on this Patreon site! A huge thanks to all my patrons!


You can now play the game on any device, like your phone or tablet! I've not tested it for mac yet but It should work, please let me know if it's not working for mac users!

Cheers, your's WhiteRaven!  
