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Index of all recordings in this series

[EN] Ancient Greek Alive is a popular Ancient Greek textbook book for beginners due to its emphasis on classroom dialogues and graded readings. This series of audio recordings give a voice to those texts, most of which may be understood through listening alone by students who have arrived at the intermediate level of Ancient Greek study.

Link to book on Amazon

These recordings are in the Lucian Pronunciation

[LA] Ancient Greek Alive liber didacticus multitūdinī sat jūcundus est, quī tīrōcinium discipulōrum pōnendum cūrat ope colloquiōrum scholasticōrum atque lēctiōnum gradātim ā faciliōribus ad difficiliōrēs ex ōrdine exstrūctārum. Hanc impressiōnum sonālium seriem quamvīs legendō ā tīrōnibus, modo audiendō ā prōvectiōribus intellegī posse spēs est.

Vinculum rētiāle ad librum apud Amazonem emendum

Recitātum Prōnūntiātiōne Lūciānā



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