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Hi Everyone,

After doing all of the themes based on my idea, I think this is the time when I switch to creating yours. All of my subscribers will have a FREE gallery that I create based on your ideas, and you can submit it by adding your ideas for the next theme in the Google Form link below. I know that a lot of you guys didn't want to show your name or information and just wanted to create a gallery based on your idea for everyone, so there is an option in the form to "Hide your identity." And if you choose not to hide it, I'll add your name to the credits of the gallery when I post it on any platform to let everyone know that this amazing idea is yours.

All of my Classic memberships will have one free custom theme request every three months. The Premium membership will have a custom theme request every month. VIP membership will have unlimited theme requests and will have top priority in the waiting line.

All of the theme ideas will be made in order, except for the VIP theme idea, so I will work on the theme that is submitted first and all of the rest in order. But not all the themes are suitable, and I'll send you an email (the email that you put in the form) if your theme can't be made and you can come up with a new idea and submit it.

Google Forms link: https://forms.gle/b73Wvr8skMtqT9My5


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