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I just wanted to inform you about a couple of things. Please read the content of the headlines you are interested in:

Looking back - The last couple of months
I know there have been quite a lot of changes in the last few months, especially in terms of content accessibility, and perhaps too many for most of you, which I can totally understand. Unfortunately, I am someone who always strives for improvement, and sometimes I make mistakes along the way or only realize better approaches later on. So, again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused, and I hope you are satisfied with the current solution. I also want to express my gratitude to those who have remained with me through all the iterations; it means a lot to me.

Early Bird Tier - Benefits Upgrade
As I felt the tier was lacking in terms of rewards and there are several of you in this tier, I have added the following benefits:

  • Access to "NSFW Non LoRA Ai-Images"¹
  • The latest 2 Hentai Image Sets.

You can now access the Hentai Gallery, there you will find a link for Early Bird users. The password for the page will always be the "Weekly Password".

Non-LoRA Ai Images¹
Recently, I have been creating character image sets, but I also feel like making some "generic" AI-Images from time to time. I truly love my base model and will soon be completing a new version. Additionally, there are times when I want to create individual images instead of full sets. Therefore, I have added this category to the gallery and will include some images I like in the future.

Upcoming & Future Content
Now, let's talk about the big picture. As some of you may know, almost all the characters are based on requests I've accepted over the months. I have also promised to create at least one image set for each of them. I intend to keep that promise, but beyond that, the content direction will change significantly. To begin, I have already stopped accepting requests from outside of my Patreon community.

The decision for new characters and image sets for existing characters in the future will be made through the following methods:

  1. Suggested or voted on by the community (I will hopefully find a consensus).
  2. By commission (very limited slots).
  3. A character I personally like.

Content that need to be finished:

  • Image Sets: Jabami Yumeko, Wakakusa Moena, Kurihara Mari, Sailor Neptune, Ekaterina Kurae, Teresa Beria, Yamanobe Tomo, Takayama Maria
  • LoRA + Image Sets: Lala Satalin Deviluke, Nana Astar Deviluke, Shizuma Hanazono, Kanade (Beast Tamer), Sango, Tsunade, Gravel (unsure if it will work),
  • HD Remastered [Image Sets]:  Yuigahama Yui [3], Yuzuriha [3], Kurihara Chiyo [1], Sailor Uranus [1], Sairenji Haruna [2], Sheryl Nome [´1], Ikishima Midari [1], Filo [1], Yuuki Mikan [2], Tania [2], Ayatsuji Yuki [1], Miyoshi Kaya [1], Momo Deviluke [2], Sawachika Eri [1], Kurokami Medaka [1], Nikaido Manami [2], Yuuki Asuna [1], Hamyuts Meseta [1], Amakusa Shino [1], Shichijou Aria [1], Momobami Kirari [1]

I want to point out, that because not all work requires computing power, I can work on some things simulataneously. For example edit images while processing a lora.

Content Pacing / Amount of Content Each Week / Workflow
The current pace, approximately every three days, is the best I can manage because I have a full-time job, after all ^^."

Creating a new character also consumes a significant amount of time. You may not be aware, but I do not use characters created by others, as almost every other creator does. I create characters myself and provide people with the possibility to create that character as well. I would dare to say that a huge number of images on Pixiv based on the characters for which I created LoRAs are derived from my work.

For them, it's relatively fast and easy in comparison — just press a download button and make some images. Don't misunderstand me; I think that's great. That's also why I provide those files for download because it gives all of us more images to enjoy.

Nevertheless, for me, it's sadly not as simple to create a new character. I need to gather a dataset, prepare it, and create a LoRA. It doesn't always work on the first attempt, so there may be several attempts, which also consume time.

After that, my 'image workflow' begins, which involves a significant amount of editing work. But I believe the results are worth it when compared to raw images since there are hopefully fewer mistakes. My characters typically have five fingers and don't hide their hands as much. ^^

That said, after I complete the list above, I will attempt to create an optimized release schedule, maybe two image sets and one LoRA per week?

Final Words

That's about it for now, thank you for taking the time to read this. As always, I apologize for the wall of text. If you have any ideas or feedback, please don't hesitate to share them. I'm always open to new suggestions. <3

使用した翻訳機 ____________________________


振り返り - 過去数ヶ月間過去数ヶ月間で、特にコンテンツのアクセシビリティに関して多くの変更があったことをご存知かと思います。そして、おそらく多くの方にとって、これはあまりにも多すぎるかもしれません。私は常に改善を目指す人間であり、時には途中で誤りを犯すこともあるか、後でより良い方法に気付くこともあります。ですから、もう一度言いますが、お手数をおかけしましたことをお詫び申し上げます。そして、現在の解決策にご満足いただけることを願っています。また、すべての試行錯誤を通じて私とともにいてくれた方々に感謝の意を表したいと思います。

アーリーバードティア - 特典アップデートこのティアが報酬の点で不十分だと感じたため、このティアのいくつかの皆様に以下の特典を追加しました:

  • "NSFW Ai-Images"¹へのアクセス
  • 直近の2つのヘンタイ画像セット


非-LoRA Ai画像¹最近、私はキャラクター画像セットを作成していますが、時折 "一般的な" AI-Imagesも作成したいと感じています。私は自身のベースモデルを本当に愛しており、近日中に新しいバージョンを完成させる予定です。また、フルセットではなく個々の画像を作成したい場合もあるため、私はこのカテゴリをギャラリーに追加し、今後は気に入った画像を含める予定です。



  1. コミュニティからの提案または投票(共通の意見を見つけることを願っています)。
  2. 委託によるもの(非常に限られたスロット)。
  3. 私自身が好きなキャラクター。


  • 画像セット: Jabami Yumeko、Wakakusa Moena、Kurihara Mari、Sailor Neptune、Ekaterina Kurae、Teresa Beria、Yamanobe Tomo、Takayama Maria
  • LoRA + 画像セット: Lala Satalin Deviluke、Nana Astar Deviluke、Shizuma Hanazono、Kanade(獣使い)、Sango、Tsunade、Gravel(機能が正確か不明です)
  • HDリマスター[画像セット]: Yuigahama Yui [3]、Yuzuriha [3]、Kurihara Chiyo [1]、Sailor Uranus [1]、Sairenji Haruna [2]、Sheryl Nome [1]、Ikishima Midari [1]、Filo [1]、Yuuki Mikan [2]、Tania [2]、Ayatsuji Yuki [1]、Miyoshi Kaya [1]、Momo Deviluke [2]、Sawachika Eri [1]、Kurokami Medaka [1]、Nikaido Manami [2]、Yuuki Asuna [1]、Hamyuts Meseta [1]、Amakusa Shino [1]、Shichijou Aria [1]、Momobami Kirari [1]




Kyan 24

First of all, thank you very much for the good work and investment of time you do to improve access to your content. The idea of ​​voting seems great to me, a LoRAs and two sets of images seem very reasonable and fair. Keep up the great quality work, regards.