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Hey everyone, this is just a quick update on the progress before the next release.
The next update is inching near it's completion, for that reason, I initially hesitated to make this post because I deemed it unnecessary. But I promised I'd hand you samples of the scenes it'll present before the next update is out, so I'm obliged to do just that.

The update itself is almost done, and bringing together all its components took quite a bit longer than usual due to its size and the quantity of content.

I've devoted more time to the lewd scenes than planning out choices and consequences this time around, so you might not come across so many choices in this one. But fear not, as I plan to introduce more of those on day three of the game.

The exciting news is, there will be plenty of lewd images as usual. But here's the kicker --  each image will be accompanied with a fully animated scene. Yes, you heard that right. I've worked tirelessly to ensure that every single image below is more than just a 'still image', but properly demonstrated in form of animation, making up for the lack of animations in 1.2.1.

It's been a long wait but we're almost there, just a little more, folks. Rest assured, my next post will be the next release and it's certainly coming out in the middle of this week just as scheduled.

So stay tuned and be safe, Everyone. Ciao!



I'm so sorry for the delay on this update, everyone. The update is ready. However I had to track down and resolve a few bugs that were causing issues with the paths and some dialogue lines . They are being resolved at the moment, and the update will be uploaded within the next few hours. Thank you for being patient.

Rakovszky29 .

Am I the only one who excited for the update lol

Ryan kosiek

It'd not excitement for the update that's the issue it's saying the update will be out at x time and then nothing comes and no explanation is given. If they needed another week then say so