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To give this profile a survival, I will, experimentally, implement a bimonthly billing regime. It means: if there is a charge in one month, there will be no charge in the next month. The billing months will be the even months: months 12, 02, 04, 06 etc... This is to compensate for the reduction in my productivity, I really don't have time to dedicate myself to here, but I would like to finish some of my stories. And some financial help is more motivating. If you delete your support and support me again in the following month, you will be charged, regardless of the suspended month or not. Please, don't ask me for a refund. It's not a question of value, $5 more or less won't make a difference to me. It's just a hassle to deal with financial matters. I just like to draw. I am not responsible for anyone's financial education, so, please, be responsible with your finances. I will be able to ignore refund requests. Next month there will be content, so there will be a charge. The content level will be the same, with the annoying Patreon's restrictions.

This regime may change at my discretion.





As I said before and say again I support you because I enjoy your art and it is very inspiring to me even if you decide to leave this platform I hope to still be able to see your art somewhere else even if it is not on patron but as for me there will always be $5 in my account dedicated to this so whether you post on here or not is no concern to me only that I can continue to support your art and your drawings and your stories whether that be here or somewhere else I don't speak for everyone but I know there will be others who would agree and again if anything changes and you decide to go somewhere else to post your drawings just know that even if you can't make money on there I will pay on here to support you anywhere else you go but I am aware deviantART also has a lot of restrictions in terms of what can be posted on their site so wherever you go please keep me informed and I would love to see a lot of your amazing stories continued and finished because they are amazing I have a folder dedicated only to your art because it is the best TG pregnancy art out there that is why I will always support your works I know this was extremely long and I apologize I just want you to know your art and your abilities are appreciated


No problem, thanks, the censorship is a pending issue to be resolved later.