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I made a mess on text formatting so I delete the original post. This is the correction.

Unfortunately, I can`t handle two accounts fed by pages sequences. So, from now, my rewards will be only single shot pieces with erotic/porn elements. No more tg transformation sequences (not in one piece/page).Maybe 3 frames sequences. Maybe.

I changed the payment metod to monthly charge, with instant charge of new pledge.

The art above is my last page sequence here (Unless there will be new changes). No problem if you aren`t interested in support me from now. I`m always thankful.




that's a shame to hear because I love your comics but even if it's every once in a while. I don't mind paying monthly if we could get more


heisst es kommt ga rkine tg ttransformationzu stande?


So, Can't I see your tg sequences more? I will miss your character's stories. especially, Alan, Roberth, soldiers, Brute barbarian.. 😭😭


yeah just do a monthly setup so you can continue to do sequences!


if you can give to us give!! as soon as from theirs work one something can shop from them maybe about devianart!!!

tron carter

damb, this is a little confusing but thanks for all the great work regardless.


so no more brute and blondie? loved to see that ending