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This is not a drill! Coby is finally watching Star Wars!


Star Wars A New Hope (1977) FULL WATCH ALONG w/Coby



I know it's simpler for you and the viewers to watch the 90s edition (with updated FX), but I really recommend watching the original, despecialized editions on your own sometime. (You can find them on The Internet Archive.) In many subtle (and not-so-subtle) ways I think the original trilogy is superior to the revised versions. And you'll be able to experience what audiences in the 70s, 80s, and 90s did and see the versions that influenced so many later filmmakers.

Kaleigh Bredlau

The scene with Jabba the Hutt wasn’t in the original release. It was filmed with a man in a fur coat with a Scottish accent and the Hutts were originally a human crime family. It wasn’t until Return of the Jedi that Jabba was actually seen on screen. By then, he’d been re-conceptualized as the creature we all know and love.

Kaleigh Bredlau

Fun fact: in the Star Wars universe, the battle at the end of this movie is so pivotal, that it divides epochs. Dates are listed as BBY or ABY (Before/After Battle of Yavin) and the year it happens (year 0) is also the year 7977 of the Coruscant Reckoning Calendar. Of course, it’s no coincidence that the movie came out in 1977. I know. I’m a total nerd.

Derrick Stokley

The first time I seen this movie was with my mother God rest her soul. She wasn't understanding the sci fi aspects of it but she understood the oppression this Galactic Empire was and how Force was is like God's power. I glad you enjoyed it.