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Hey everyone, hope you're all doing well.

Things have been fairly busy lately just keeping up with everything, new commissions, ideas etc, and I realized it's been a while since I touched any of the Patreon tiers or features since I set them so long ago.

So I wanted your guy's feedback! Are you happy and content with the current tiers? If you have a triangle tier and higher do you feel it's worth it? Or what might  I add to make it feel more so? What made you upgrade to that tier in the first place?

People who are circle tier, are you content? Is there a reason you haven't gone to higher tiers or down graded your tier?

And people who are free members, is there something I could offer that would make you interested in joining a tier?

I'd never done anything like a Patreon before this and it can be a lot to keep up with when just focusing on the audios so I'd love some input or insight if you have any to share, incase there's something obvious I've been missing this whole time.

I can't guarantee all suggestions will be implemented as I'm just one person but I will do my best to at least read through them all.

Thanks everyone!




I don’t think I fully understand the benefits from the other tiers but that’s a me thing. Plus I’m a lil broke rn but still wanna support.


Im Host+some and would go Titan but prefer to use extra cash for Throne gifts/random kofis instead of a flat rate thing. I like the perks even tho I really only participate in voting (too shy to request voicemails). Maybe higher tiers get % off commissions?? Or priority commissions


And I appreciate all the support and love heheh. Hmmm possibly something to consider, though harder to do for the % when quotes varying depending on what people want.

Kimberley Scott

Genuinely and I hate to say it - The wallet is tight and if I had the extra cash I'd upgrade but cost of living crisis in my country. Your audios are so lovely that skipping a coffee a month for me is worth it. I ghostwrite and the market is down ATM so maybe having a labour for access or something would be cool. Art, marketing, scripts etc. Honestly? Maybe an option of a split commission? If you sit at a particular level for 3/4/6 months you get a commission or voicemail? Breaking up a larger upfront cost makes budgeting significantly easier. It does mean more labour on your end adminwise. If I think of more I'll add another comment.


Understandable, I know a lot of folks are struggling right now, so don't put yourself, but I hope the audios are worth the one coffee hahah. Hhmmm I'm not sure what or exactly how I'd be able to implement a labour for access, especially over a large group, I don't think Patreon has that kind of flexibility unless I was checking and sending things to people personally, but I don't know, it's a new idea. Hmmm My one worry about splitting a full commission like that or giving one away is that I don't have a one size fits all price for what I do so the price varies and I could end up with a sudden burst of people all wanting long commissions and then everyone would be waiting a long time to get them all. I could put some glide line restrictions on it to be sure, but it would likely only be for the top most tiers, where as I already offer the monthly voicemails to Host tier and up. Something to think about though for sure. Thanks for the ideas and feedback though Kimberley!

Rosko Wolfgram

I just joined so I'm feeling out the triangle tier, your work puts me at ease, wholesome and not. I might upgrade a little later for a commission but everything you post is satisfying so far😁


Well happy to have you Rosko and glad you're enjoying all the audios so far. :)


I think a membership is worth it. Believing my vote counts and then seeing it not go my way, LOL. Trying to think of other creators’ stuff but I haven’t subscribed to erotic audio before so it’s a little different. For example showing sketches and works in progress for illustrators would be on a paid tier, then they have their ideas, and non-canon doodles. Or themed tips/tricks for a chef or photographer. I don’t know what else there really is to offer, maybe process work of how you think up stories or write a script, or go through sound effects and editing? But some of that might be more just personal and not really a product that’s easily shown like a drawing sketch work in progress. I think what you have is good. I like the voicemail idea but I personally feel for me it’s like dialing a 1-900 number, maybe you are too young to know what that is but it’s basically like paying for phone sex. It’s only day 2 for me though so who knows maybe tomorrow I’ll be over it and have some 30 s script I’ll send you haha!


Yeah unlike artist that sketch I don't have works in progress most of the time to show, usually if I start editing an audio I just want to sit and do the crunch of however long till it's done, rather then leave it partly done, I suppose scripts might be done a bit earlier if higher tiers were interested in that, though they aren't nicely proofed or anything. xD I don't know much about 1-900 numbers but I've heard of them, the voicemails don't have to be NSFW though.