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Good afternoon everyone!

I hope you're all keeping warm, but incase you're having some trouble, here's a little something to heat things up. ;)

A new Audio fresh of the editing rack, and with the Incubus clubs newest member to. I'll be ever so curious what you think.

As always, thank you everyone for your continued support!

Bye bye for now.




OOP- totally not listening to this in public…

Selafi Friel

I'll have to listen later but oh my god I am EXCITED <3


Rain or shine, that pp will be mine. 😔🙏 (poetic rizz)

Cam the Heathen

Okay, so I have it *bad* for Ashiok from Magic the Gathering and this came beautifully, wonderfully close to that and I am so absolutely delighted for this audio 😍😍 many, many thanks!!


You never disappoint 😍😍


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh Okay, now that I've gotten that out of my system... Dear. Ever. Loving. Lord. Is there a way to like, special request Soulless as our personal sleep paralysis demon? Asking for a friend 😇🥵🥵🥵


Review: ★★★★★ 5/5 would come again


As a person who is good friends with their own sleep paralysis demon, this unlocked a new kink. Thanks Red 😭


The switch into the demonic voice makes me shiver.

Selafi Friel

Woah. Yes, I liked that, Solus is deffo one of my faves now. Loved the voice effects and the spatial sound in this one! I wouldn't mind if you test out other kinks this way too hehe


In a word: debilitating. The pace was genuine perfection and each time the voice went deep I got literal chills. Definitely one I'll be coming back to


This came out while I was at work and I have never clocked out so fast in my LIFE.

Kat Hannus

I liked this one. I prefer when you have the thought dialog, though I do understand why you don't have any for a mental demon.


Nice choice of a Yume no Seirei for a new hire - I must say I find the "ara ara" speech mannerism use here interesting, given its very feminine-linked usage. I really did like the initial enthusiasm, pretending to inexperience. Nice tonal variance. ;)

VA for all

Yes, i agree with the rest, that demonic deep voice absolutely contibruted to the character and its own sexiness! At first i thought the mystery bottle would make you tiny or something. But, when soulless said 'sleep' i could imagine a demon sitting on my abdomen doing whatever he wants. Had such an experience before minus the sex, that was scary, this was not xD would visite again 10/10


Yeah always trying to refine my sound design on these without over complicating it hahah. And possibly... might have an idea or two for a part two but might ask for input in the future. c;

Raelee Othaire

An absolute masterpiece. The incubus series are some of my favorites and this is right at the top of them. Thank you Master RedBox!


Can't say I'm familiar with him but glad I could make a happy accident for you. ;P


Fraid I don't know how they get assigned but it sounds like he might be making some rounds c;


Hm hm I knew mucking around with the Vemon voice effects would pay off some time ;)


I wanted to play with a bit of a wilder personality so I'm glad you enjoyed. c;


Yeah I know a lot of people liked the inner monologue, it was an interesting change to have the inner monologue be more him looking into your inner monologue hahah.


ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my GOD red this one rocked my world solus is an amazing experience😭😭always love when host makes an appearance too🤤


Definitely didn't have to confirm what a Yume was, but I've heard it once or twice from male characters and I wanted to see if I could pull it off hahah. At least from the translation standpoint it doesn't sound that different to what I say as Host hahah. heheh it can be fun to play the wilder character from time to time. c;


It's definitely one of my favourite voice troupes to have a conversational tone and then a serious or amplified one, and swinging between them is fun. Ahhh yes very Alice in wonderland. Hahahah I like to think Host is collecting these reviews in a little notebook or something xD


Hm hm hm I know two incubus in one audio? I'm spoiling you. ;) But seriously thank you! He was fun to play around with.


Dude you're so close to 1K.... Wow


O-kay, that does explain the remark of the bartender in earlier scripts... 😳 Also, Souless is definitely a bit intense, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. 😳😳😳 Definitely intrigued to see more of him. (Another great story, and hope you and yours are doing well. 😁)

Mangle Stuff

I was wondering when an incubus would return 😈


May I just say Thank You. I love the Incubus Club. Host has been my favorite, but this guy is probably a strong second. His entrance kind of gave me playful puppy vibes. But oh how I love how he takes charge. Breath play is a favorite of mine so always love hearing it, then the thought of how sleepy sex feels so intense made this so much more pleasurable. Your creativity is amazing. Not to mention your voice and the shifts you do with it are on point. I can definitely say for sure that I am an intrigued fan and I will give anything you put out a listen. Thank you for sharing your time and creativity with us.


heheh yeah goes to show how long I've had this idea bumping around in my head. But glad you caught that little easter egg. ;P Thanks, we're not doing too bad :)


Holy shit!! The Absolute quality on this one!!! I must say I love your original stuff the best. Club Incubus just keeps getting more and more interesting. I wonder what other demons will show up? Wonderful work!!!


Not me leaving a bad review on purpose X'D


Thank you❤️. I need more now. Please.


Oh my you added to this comment beyond just the thank you xD I'm glad you enjoyed the different elements I played around with in this one, and thank you I appreciate all the kind words and support!


As a somnophiliac with a love of deeper AND demonic voices and everything he's done… Hi, hello, I would like to book several appointments with Solus, please and thanks~ 🤤 Red, seriously, he is SO hot. 💕💕💕 (And I feel some inspiration bubbling, uhuhu~)


Heheh well I'll try not to over crowd it too fast, but thank you! Happy to hear you're enjoying the original works :D


Heheh seems like he might get hired on at Incubus club after all ;P Glad you like him! (And uh oh heheheh.)


Ofc ❤️ I love that I can have whoever I want in the real world, but I don't give a shit about sexual partners and all I need is your voice to make me happy. I'd rather pay for a good masturbation session than have a dumb guy for free.


Yeah I tried to return and did it wrong and it posted and then did the same mistake a couple of times 😅 Also saw that you spelled his name as Solus. I like it ^_^


Okay i love the incubus club the most but OMG this one made me a mess and his voice was just a chiefs kiss


"Ara Ara" & the distorted voice🫠☠️ ... haven't had sleep paralysis in a while, but sign me up if he's coming + cumming 🥵


I need a breather after that one 🫠😵‍💫


This made me shiver omg what a great audio!! I love the different types of voices in this one, I think this have made it to my top 5 list 😂❤️


This one! Omg, I absolutely love the dialog and premise. Fantastic job as always Red ❤️ The "Ara Ara" was lovely, also I liked the ending about the review. Stellar all around ✨️


Ahhh yes the constant battle for top spots heheh. thank you, it was fun to play around with. c;


Thank you! I thought of the idea a while ago and I'm happy I finally got to flesh it out! And I liked the ending too, little bit of humour, little bit of danger. ;)


Ngl the “ara-ara” threw me off a little lol but I felt like it characterized him so much? Just gave me the feeling of “this guy is new, but he’s SO excited to try this and to get in character for it”. Also while I wasn’t super into at first I got used to it, and the deep demonic voice oh. My god. Leaving a 5 star review & my address he can visit me any night 🖤


Not the Ara Ara knocking the wind out of me. Solus is so cute with his excitement here, I wish him the most promising of careers at the club~


Just about spit my hot chocolate when I read "this guy is new" xD He's definitely a bit of a wild card, but I'm glad he won you over in the end.


heheh it seem the Ara ara is a hit or miss with people but I had fun with it c; It'll certainly be interesting if we see him again. :P


And that's how experimentation goes~ in the end though what matters most is how you feel about it. It no fun if you're not having fun y'know??


And here I am, not able to sleep, and this is what I come back to. Excellent job Red! Can't wait to experience more of Solus. (I hope I'm spelling his name right)


hm hm well I hope I could help you sleep, maybe he'll visit you while your dreaming ;) (And you are! Good job!)


lol it's the "liability release forms exist in hell; we're demons, not lawless gremlins" for me


next you're going to tell us that the incubus club has a human resources/work insurance department lol

Mangle Stuff

Man, that was something 😈


This just reminds me of my sleep paralysis demon named Toby 🤤

Kimberley Scott

He is so excited! So like me to not read the terms and conditions. Also huge kink for me is sleep fucking and paralysis. Unf. Thank you for this gift.


hm hm hm thought I could add a bit of wild flair with Solus. You're very welcome, glad you enjoyed it. ;)


I’ve never wished I had sleep paralysis before…but here I am wishing 🔥


Somno heaven 🥹🥹


I really like that you included the part about picking a safeword! A lot of creators don't bother, because it's all fiction, but it really helps me feel immersed and comfortable in the scene 🥰


10/10 100% would recommend this Demon again 👌 got the job done and tamed me too

Jay Joseph

1,000% would recommend. Please tell me this gets a part 2


I have to wonder, is there a leader of the incubus club? Like the big bad suave boss of it all? Because if so- I would love to have an audio featuring him 👀


Hmmm interesting though, but that would definitely need some character design 😅


Oooh I love the personality of this demon 💚 If he’s gonna visit me, gotta keep the space under my bed spotless ✨


Hm hm thanks, though I'm not sure if he's an under the bed demon... more and inside you demon 😏

Rosko Wolfgram

Ooooo, I love the idea, the ara ara gave me shivers, definitely want to tell host yall should hire him😁

Kimberley Scott

Yeah just listened to this again and it's so fucking good - the moans, the subtle guidance, the deep demon voice and teasing us about getting bred. Solas thank you for the food. :)


The crazy distorted voice was awesome, great contrast with his other voice


I probably should not have cum to this before sleeping. It was so good and damn, Solus got me a shaking mess before bed.

Katheryne Nevarez

Ooooooh lord my breathe caught in my throat when deep demonic voice came out.

Silver Smith

I like him! I like how eager he is, and I love the design! And the bones! And the sharp teeth! Very pretty! Also love the green hair 💚 and the demonic voice, of course, that was hot 💖 Thank you, Red! 💕


Hm hm thank you, I had a very specific idea with the character design for this one, so glad it was such a hit!