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Happy 420 everyone!

I know some of you guys are having a good time today so I decided I'd try and get this audio done before the end of the day/evening. Little early surprise. c;

I know Nanami sounds different depending on if you listen to the sub or dub but I hope I got the vibe right with him, the audio was not lightly influenced by a certain hair pulling scene ;)

Anyways, thanks everyone! Be Safe! And happy 420.





I went stupid on this one! Glad I listened to this when i didn't have to work. Nanami you are true💖 and him complaining and being so straight forward was sexy! Good job red!!


Hahah thank you very much, I really tried to fit his character in, so glad you enjoyed it. :)


Continuing my Backwards Birthday Blowout, the scream that I scrumpt when I saw the title was not of this world. Nanami is almost a state of being, and I related to his character like most people. You did a terrific job of getting the "I've got too much shit to do today, and if I go into Overtime, so help YOU-.."~vibe with each line. And, you absolute mad lad, you did it again! If I had a nickel for every time I was left in a semi-dehydrated and delirious state, again, thinking, "Holy shit, could using the curse technique like this actually work? I mean, I know its fictional, but hear me out..!" I would have 2 nickels, which isn't a lot. But, it is weird that it has happened twice. Also, I'm going to be paying what I owe for my month in diamonds, that is being pounded out of me. Good. Goddamn. Great Job, Red. Now, skipping backwards once more, what is next? Oh. THIS. This looks like it is ticking all the good buttons!


He's a really fun character, I wasn't sure if people would find his demeanour to off putting or distracting to the Sexy bits, but if I did the Cursed technique with Gojo I was gonna try with Nanami hahah. glad people are finding that so much fun. Thanks Infinity and yeah you picked a good week to come back I think. ;)


I had to divide this into 2 nights cause my body couldn’t cope. You deliver such high-grade audios, my body goes into a shaking mess 🥲 Also how you portray Nanami 🫠 You can really see the amount of research and dedication you put into the characters you play 💖


Well you have to with well known characters heheh. Thanks, glad you're enjoying the audios so-throughly. c;


Screaming. Crying. Gasping for air. Nanami has my heart and soul


Holy fuck this was perfect


Him scolding her at the end about work hours gives me dopamine.