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Evening everyone,

I hope the long weekend has treated or is treating you well so far. :)

As I've working on a few things here I do have two updates to let you all know about. (so far)

Firstly for everyone, I've edited the pinned commission and support post here on Patreon, it should now have a link to a form anyone interested in commission me can fill out to more easily collect details and bring you a possible quote on what your'e looking for.

I've never made one of those before, it was working last I checked so fingers crossed hahah.

Secondly our first tier update in a while!

Some of you have been asking and inquiring into more behind the scene bonuses and work in progress kind of perks and while that's difficult for me provide with the nature of my work and not really having sketches or rough animation etc like others might, I do have the Scripts to the audios.

So depending on feedback and interest I'm adding to the Host and Titan Tier access to the Scripts after I've posted the audio to them and will be uploading them in stops and starts over the next while.

I would also just like to stress that some of these scripts are from fairly early on and were only ever for my eyes so they are written in an evolving kind of short hand as far as notes and directions and I'm sure there will be typos somewhere, so they should be treated like a working sketch but it might be interesting to those who wanna see how my brain works. ( it's probably anarchy on fire but you be the judge xD).

And that's it!
Happy Easter everyone! Hope to be able to share some more surprises with you all soon. :)




I have submitted a form <3


Belated Happy Easter Red! Also thanks for the update regarding the tiers! I'd love to see how your creative mind works tbh 🤭 as much as it gives as the hornyness, dare I say, your works is one of the best out there. I'd try listening to some but I always come back here 🤭


Thanks Alexeria, I don't know how interesting it is inside my head but that's probably because I live in it hahah. Well thank you, that's very kind of you to say, I appreciate you coming back for more. :)