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Behind the Scenes AI.
AI creating images is still primarily determined by chance. Changing a small thing in the prompt can lead to completely different results. Sure, I've spent a lot of time finding the right AI models that work well for muscle girls and mixing them together in the right proportions, but the results remain random, albeit better random ;-).

   It is almost impossible to create any interactions of the person, especially not between 2 people. Attempts in this direction almost always result in a significantly poorer representation of the person (weird body proportions, ugly faces etc.). That's why you'll find almost only AI muscle girls in pin-up style, thousands on DeviantArt.

What I do, I let the PC (better, the graphics card) create hundreds, find the best ones and try these again with very small parameter changes.

I then look for the best ones again and try to enlarge them without losing detail (the opposite, I try to give them more detail), an art in itself. (AI engines can only create relatively small images).

Now it's time to correct small and bigger mistakes, hands always come out shitty. I also often correct the eyes and the mouth, mouths are mostly too small for my taste. And I love full lips, you might also see on my 3D Girls ;-) I also often morph the overall figure and some muscles and try to pop the muscles better by shading them or advanced lighting.

Then there is post-processing like any good photographer does. In total I use 2 (pay) programs for the complete post-processing. BTW: Meanwhile these programs also use a lot of AI. That's why i was able to give the girl a smile in the last post relatively easily.  (And yes, one of these programs is of course Photoshop ;-))

Above you can see 2 rare good RAW images as they came out of the AI engine and I would choose for post processing. The first (blonde) has hands that need correction (as always, I find bad hands can ruin a good overall impression) and I would only make slight corrections to the mouth, eyes and muscles.

The second (really rare good) has the advantage of the hidden hands, I would just pop the muscles a little better and do some photographic corrections.



steve scibelli

Looks great. Unfortunate that the process (at this stage anyway) makes it difficult to have interaction between more than one character. In time....