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I looooove that Loona performance!! It was just sooo good!!

Thank you for the Patreon support! Have a good one! 💙💙💙





I loved the Brave Girls stage, primarily because I'd like to see the normalization of female idols over 25. To understand more about the Squirtle reference, you need to watch the Rollin' military compilation video that went viral with the captions on. It had comments overlaid on it, and one of them was something like "The one that looks like Squirtle is so cute.".

Artemis Delphinia

Loona really blew it out of the water, personally my favorite out of all of them. All of the performances are were amazing, there was just one I didn't really vibe with, but I'll wait till you see all of the performances before I mention that one.


Fun episode like always, my fav was WJSN so far, but LOONA did an amazing job with the performance and presentation overall, I personally am not so much a fan of the girlie, all happy rainbow-type concepts but regardless they put on a whole musical it was fun to watch. Brave Girls definitely stepped it up from last week. I am looking forward to VIVIZ performance because last time I watched this I wasn't a WJSN fan yet and didn't really know the song they covered but now I am, and the song they chose is one of my favs by them so I am very excited to re-watch it and see what I think this time. You are correct after this they do a collab stage, which in my opinion was the best episode(s), along with a little get-together bbq like last time where we see them interact and have fun before we move onto the final.