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Hi there everyone,

Not sure if all of you saw my post over on YT but I came down with a nasty flu. Currently right now I have no voice and just have been meh the past few days. 

So, unfortunately there will be no new videos until next week. Hopefully I'll be recovered and rested and ready to go by next week.

Thank you all for your patience 🥰




I'm sick right now too! Haha tis the season! Rest up and we'll see you when you get better 😄


Feel better soon Rogue ❤️‍🩹 Had the flu twice this year and it knocked me off my feet, it’s terrible! Rest up and we’ll be here when you’re feeling well! x


Thank you! This has been a fun one and still not 100% recovered and my voice just started coming back yesterday so hope to be back normalish soon!🥰