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I feel like I'm loosing years off my life with this show 😅

Thank you for the Patreon support! Have a good one! 💙💙💙





This episode is all good. No more issues. Excited for the next ones! 🥰


Episodes 3-4 are good (no more lag!). To answer your questions about some of the eliminated contestants, Minyoung left the Kpop industry after Sixteen. Natty, Eunsuh, and Jiwon were on Mnet's 2017 girl group survival show Idol School, and Jiwon made the final group (fromis_9). Natty later debuted solo and she's now a member of the girl group Kiss of Life.

Jennifer Veleker

This episode stressed me so much, Like we KNOW the results of the show but I'm still like 'omg are they gonna get eliminated???' every time Also this is like the first time I've seen Sana genuinely frustrated/upset its crazy


You should watch Twice Seize the Light before watching Time to Twice. seize the light is a documentary style series on YouTube it has 9ep they are about 15-20 min long episodes


ME TOO! Legit YEARS taken off my life watching this show! And yes agreed first time ever seeing Sana like that... I was like awww no I need you bubbly and happy please!