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Was hoping to get this out yesterday but unfortunately life happened. What a great little season!! I learned so much about other little groups on this one! Just loved it!!! Can't wait for more 🥰

Was hoping to get this out yesterday but unfortunately life happened. 😭 Enjoy!!

Thank you for the Patreon support! Have a good one! 💙💙💙




Cordially yours, Dennis

I really disagree with the structure of the final round. Early wins are meaningless with how much the final round rewards. It would be fine if it awarded less points, or had objective judges. But making it based on whoever is the most popular among the public AND worth enough points to make the first 3 rounds not matter is a bit much.


Since it will be a while before you get to Puzzle, maybe you can consider doing a discovery (series?) on the members/groups that you are less familiar with that will be competing on the show before you get to it.