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On today's THE RALPH REPORT: The best holiday TV TUNE in the galaxy! Your chance to win tickets to the SANTA'S SWINGIN' SACK show! And, our plans to finally become actual ninjas on INTERNATIONAL NINJA DAY!


Tom May

Damn. That signoff today is powerful stuff. I, myself, have hit a real rough patch prior to the holidays and Ralph's end message truly hits home. I've had an unexpected life event happen that has completely pulled the rug out from under me and I'm at that point where it's hard to see everyone and everything around you celebrating the holidays, being merry and bright, when my world feels like it's crumbling beneath me. I'm not at the point where I would contemplate self-harm but it sucks right now and the road out of it is going to be bumpy at minimum, crawling through a river of shit like Andy Dufresne at the worst. So, I totally can fathom now why people may get to that desperate point where oblivion seems like a way out. As Ralph and others have pointed out, it never is the answer. It's not fun to go through rotten circumstances but you also don't want to bum other people out around you with your own ordeal at the same time especially during the holidays. It does feel isolating at times. Fortunately, I've got family to lean on so I don't have to go through it all completely isolated and alone. Hopefully, it'll just be a temporary setback and in a few months I'll be back on level ground again looking back on all of it as just a path change in life. With luck, I can keep my subscription to Patreon because the work Ralph and Eddie do really does land and keeps the darkness at bay, even if only for the length of the podcast runtime. Sometimes that is enough. Hang in there, mystery caller. Things can and will get better.

Mary Schwabel

I'm a few days behind on the show so I haven't heard the call, but as for your situation, so sorry to hear you're going through a rough patch. Feel free to reach out if you need an ear

Jessica Tittle

Great message the end of the episode. I just finished it and hope everyone is okay. Cheers, LMB