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Longtime Garmy member Zach Byerly is struggling and he needs our help.

The government fucked him over on his disability, so now he has to sell the house he grew up in to downsize (eventually) into an in-law unit adjacent to his sister and brother-in-law. 

He's hard pressed for cash because of improvements to the house just to get it into condition to sell, storage units, etc. and then moving expenses in order to leave his childhood home.

His sister has set up a Go Fund Me in the hopes of getting some help, and they're only trying to hit $7500 and are about a third of the way there.

Let's give Zach and his family a happy holiday.

Give here if you can, and/or spread the word:



Disabled & Losing Childhood Home--Moving Expenses, organized by Lauren Byerly

In 2019 we lost our mother after a battle with lung cancer. Zach, wh... Lauren Byerly needs your support for Disabled & Losing Childhood Home--Moving Expenses


Phil Fetto

Done and done! LMB


Done, if you are #GarmyStong you are not alone