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Ross W

Listening to these shows this week has been cathartic, in a “be happy he was in our lives” kind of way. But Ralph saying goodbye and thanking Steve at the end of this episode definitely put a lump in my throat.

Tom Stottman

I wish I hadn't listened to this during my daily drive in standard obscene southern California traffic as I continuously teared up at all the poorest times, but I know it pales to Lily's, Daisy's, Ralph's, Eddie's & so very many others' pain, so I also choose to focus on the "be happy he was in our lives", & treasure the time we got. Rest in peace, Cuddly Liverpuddlian. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the love, dedication, laughs, & joie de vivre you relentlessly brought to our little gang every bloody time. Ly,Mi (forever), Ta Ra (for now).