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On today's THE RALPH REPORT: Sea-Monkeys are even WORSE then we thought! Eddie feasts on PHEASANTS?!  And, a classic ONE-HIT WONDER from the 80's!


Fatima Cruz Wagner

I'm on my third replay of the "Pheasant Convention"... it gets funnier each time. I have laughed 😁😂🤣 as hard the fist time and all subsequent times and having Queen J laughing in the background added to the hilarity. Ralph and Eddie!!! Genius 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 SideNote: I would like to offer myself as tribute to be the first Garmy member to be part of the live BatCave audience. How awesome would it be to sit next to Queen J and watching you all live.

Mark sanchez

That song from the whispers is a banger!