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On today's THE RALPH REPORT : Wild adventures in SELF-PLEASURE! A new DRAWN IN 60 SECONDS! And, the sad origin story of PORKY PIG!


John Santizo

In my defense I did call from my car must have been a bad connection but I’ll take your scorn Ralph!! 😂

Lynn Guerrero

Wow it’s crazy that you have to take a Prius to a shop to get the headlight replaced, but even crazier that you’d get a ticket for driving without one! Here in WI you regularly see rust buckets driving on donuts with colored duct tape over the correspondingly-colored lights while the bumper is tied on with string!

Mary Schwabel

The first time I was ever pulled over I was a senior in high school, living within an hour or two of Ralph and Eddie. I was pulled over for my driver side headlight being out. I told the officer it was working that morning, and it was, but it had the tiniest of shorts. He didn't write me up, and as soon as he left I got out, tapped the light cover, and it came back on. That was a little over 20 years ago, it's been a thing out here for us for a while now, got a fix it ticket for a tail light a few years ago, and I guess my ex is just lucky he hasn't been pulled over because lights go out on his Prius all the time, from his license plate lights to his headlights (each of which has, I believe, four different bulbs!)