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YOU could be the owner of Eddie's artistic rendering of EDDIE AND THE SEX MACHINE!

Just make a donation to help battle MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS!

Multiple sclerosis is a disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord. In MS , the immune system attacks the protective sheath that covers nerve fibers and causes communication problems between your brain and the rest of your body.

Help fight this awful disease by giving to the WalkMS event being done by our own Garmy member, Ashley Marshall:

"March is MS awareness month, and I know this is an important one for Eddie and the show. I was hoping to throw my WalkMS fundraising campaign in the ring for a possible Ralph-ffle. I've been doing the walk for 14 years and any additional support from the Garmy would be so awesome. Here's the link to my page, the donations go to the MS Society.

Ashley Marshall, 2 star general Boise Idaho"

Support WalkMS and a Garmy member! 

Give here:


THEN, please fill out this form and let us know your name, how much you donated, and your address in case we pick your name:


The cut-off for entry will be Thursday, March 2nd at NOON! (PST)

Then, we'll chose a name at random from everyone who donated, and announce the winner on Friday's TRR!

GOOD LUCK and thanks!



Chris Dias

I made this donation to MS dedicated not only to Tracy, but also my best friend Chris Bradley, who got hit with MS in his mid 30s. The disease, when it hits men at such a young age, has been known to ravage them, and Chris has been hit hard. Just last year, only days after medication obliterated his immune system, he contracted COVID. I wish the best for him and his family.

Marc Hodgkinson

Missed the deadline, but happily donated. Great cause. I am always behind on these episodes, but I should come and check the Patreon page earlier to see what the cause is.