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On today's THE RALPH REPORT : The YEAR OF LARRY keeps rolling on!! Happy AUSTRALIA DAY to the Garmy's DOWN UNDER division! And, the latest class at Ralph's SEX U. is crystal clear! 


John Nordstrom

I had to take about 9 months off from TRR, I’m happy to be back! My biggest whiplash moment though of trying to catch back up- HOLY SHIT RALPH AND QUEEN J ARE AN ITEM? When was this announced? How did this go down? I must know!


Fun fact about Bob Uecker: The Milwaukee Brewers have a purposefully obstructed view section at their stadium that they call the "Uecker Section". Because the legend goes is that he would buy the cheapest seats possible just to be able to get into the stadium on sold out games. Then between innings he would sneak past the ushers into much better seats. And eventually make it to the field level by the end of the game. So fans buy those seats with that in mind.

Garrett Winters

Go back and listen from the beginning of September on, and you’ll see it come about. Can’t remember the exact show it was announced on, I’m sure Brandon will though! It was getting pretty obvious from early Sept, a few weeks before it was announced 😂