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On today's THE RALPH REPORT : We're back ... HAPPY NEW YEAR! To celebrate, we're munchin' food from the GARMY! We salute a WILD MAN! And, Ralph and Eddie get RE-MIXED!


Stefano Calandrelli

Wow! What a way to kick off 2023! I mean it, this was a fantastic show, there were so many great moments I can't remember them all. A few highlights though, first of all that Samosa song, that is awesome! I think we need an separate mp3 of that asap! Secondly I am so down for 2023 being the year of Satan! And third I laughed so hard before Christmas when Eddie made the dead baby joke on the Joe Friday segment, he strikes again here with the JFK bullet segway joke. I love it when Eddie goes dark, I don't know what that says about me but I laughed at both of those. So glad you guys are back, the year is off to an amazing start!

Jessica Tittle

At about 50min in, Ralph, the wedding planner 😆 eff off!