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It's Eddie's latest DRAWN IN 60 SECONDS: The creature that keeps us all safe from the creatures in the ZOO OF TERROR ... "Lou The Zookeeper"!

You might own this animalistic piece of art if you donate to help one of our own GARMY members ... Sally Churney.

On Friday's show, we introduced you to Sally. She lives with chronic pain every day of her life.

Diagnosed with fibromyalgia seven years ago, plus TMJD, bulging L2 and L4 discs in her back, cervical myalgia, and arthritis since then, Sally has to fight through awful pain every single day.

Unfortunately, right now Sally can't afford several therapies that might give a chance for some relief, so that's where we can help. 

We can donate to her GoFundMe page below, and give one of our own some hope for better days.

Donate here:


Please donate any amount you can, then email proof of the donation to Ralph@theralphreport.com and PLEASE PUT "ZOO" IN THE SUBJECT LINE OF YOUR EMAIL, so we don't miss it.

At NOON on MONDAY, July 18th, we'll stop accepting emails and randomly choose the fortunate Garmy member who will get Eddie's art!

We will announce the lucky Garmy member on TUESDAY'S show!

GOOD LUCK and on behalf of Sally,  thank you!



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