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On today's THE RALPH REPORT : The terrible tales of TMJ! The GARMY raises MORE money for CHARITY! And, SHALOM! It's GEFILTE FISH on this MUNCHIN' MONDAY! 


Garrett Winters

Ralph, I’m gonna recommend some intense massage in addition to the chiropractic treatment. It’s painful as hell, but has really helped my TMJ issues this year.

Tom Sills

Ralph, as a chronic head pain sufferer for several years, have you considered that you may been misdiagnosed? I'm a cluster headache sufferer and many of your symptoms sound a lot like mine. The trigeminal nerve runs down the jaw and is the suspected culprit of cluster headaches. So if you have pain on one side of the head that radiates into your eye and causes pain that is unbearable that may be the issue. Have you had a head/neck MRI? There are medications and procedures that can help