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It's Eddie's latest DRAWN IN 60 SECONDS, Ralph as his alter-ego, SHREWBIUS! And, this boozy hero can be YOURS!

We are moving the RALPH-FFLE up earlier this week to raise some money for PREMATURE BABIES like Olivia & Lincoln Garman, and Jacob Ayala.


Garmy members Jose & Nidia Ayala are raising money for the March of Dimes "March for Babies" this Saturday and you can donate to help!

Jacob Ayala was born at just 24 weeks gestation. He spent 119 days in the NICU. He is now an amazing 10 year old boy. Every year after he was born Jose & Nidia have tried spreading awareness regarding prematurity and neonatal medical conditions. With preterm birth and maternal death rates continuing to rise, they're committed to raising funds so that every family gets the best possible start. And you can help!

Please visit their fundraising page to make a donation:


Please donate if you can, and email proof of ANY SIZE donation to Ralph@theralphreport.com and, PLEASE PUT "SHREW" IN THE SUBJECT LINE OF YOUR EMAIL.

At NOON on FRIDAY, April 22nd, we'll stop accepting emails and randomly choose the fortunate Garmy member who will get Eddie's waddling masterpiece!

We will announce the lucky Garmy member on MONDAY'S show!

GOOD LUCK and thank you!



Randall Smith

I think he's sitting on it

Jeremy Klein

So……Anyone else still got 🎶pussypussypussy marijuana🎶 stuck in their head?