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DRAWN IN 60 SECONDS: "The Showsaver"!

Want this masterpiece in your own home? Well, Eddie's newest art CAN BE YOURS!

Just email proof of ANY SIZE donation to any charity that helps the HUNGRY!

At this time of year, may folks won't be able to celebrate the upcoming holidays because they're worried about where their next meal is coming from. Especially, families with children.

However, there are many charities that help families dealing with hunger. One that I like is NO KID HUNGRY.


But, feel free to find a worthy hunger charity in you area.

Please donate if you can, and send your receipt. And, PLEASE PUT "SAVER" IN THE SUBJECT LINE OF YOUR EMAIL.

Send to: Ralph@TheRalphReport.com

At NOON on MONDAY, November 15th, we'll stop accepting emails and randomly choose the fortunate Garmy member who will get to enjoy Eddie's fine art in their home!

We will announce the lucky Garmy member on TUESDAY'S show!

GOOD LUCK and thank you!

