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From 1 Star General Jeff Thibodeaux in Houston Texas :

"When I'm on break at my night job I like to take a long walk during my break to try and clear my head. Very recently there's been a sweet puppy under a year old that would meet me up at the same place every night. He would never come close enough to allow me to touch him but as soon as I passed him he would follow. He seemed healthy enough and happy so I thought that maybe he was a neighborhood dog from nearby and left it at that. After being around this pup for 2 weeks I noticed last night that he was acting differently as I approached him. He was just laying there on the cement slowly breathing, and had no energy to keep his distance. He seemed to have his ribs showing which wasn't the case last week and my instincts kicked in and I loaded him into my car and took him home with me to be fed and bathed. I would love to keep this dog but I just can't afford it in my apartment complex because pet deposits are 500 dollars per pet and 40 extra bucks a month for pet rent. On top of that I already have 2 cats so there simply isn't any room. As it stands he's inside my fenced porch outside of my apartment with food, water, and perpetual shade so he's safe, cozy, and cool, but if I get caught I'm in deep shit. I've already reached out to no-kill animal shelters around the greater Houston Area and everything is by appointment and I'm going to have to wait two weeks to the day that I am sending this email before anything can be done through those channels. I'm asking that you please share this on the show to signal boost a good boy to get a proper home.

He's calm, shy, friendly and tolerant of being picked up and petted despite his adolescent size. He rides well in the car as well."

Reach out via email if you can help find this good boy a home!



Jay Pichette

I would be willing to help too! I may have a home for the pup! Please let me know if he is still in need of a forever home! -Jay

Jeff Thibodeaux

Hi Jay he definitely still needs a forever home pretty badly. I'm not sure if there is a way to privately message you but yes, any and all help is more than welcome.

Jay Pichette

Hey Jeff, Email me at jay.pichette@gmail.com