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John Kuperman listened to Mike Surber's version of "Piano Man" from our 3rd anniversary episode, and he has "feelings" ...

Here's Kuperman's response!

Well I turned The Ralph Report on last Friday
To Celebrate the Garmy’s three years
Then Mike Surber’s song started playing
It’s like bullshit was ringing my ears

Then I started to gag on my sandwich
As my bowels were begging to void
Surber’s damn song kept going and going
Like an external bleeding hemorrhoid

Oh la la ditty da

I don’t care what you do you’re no Kuperman
Yes, your songs might be better than mine.
But you play around 25  instruments
While my talent is trying to rhyme

Your Gar song was touching and moving
Even though it was 53 minutes long
It was shiny and bright
For the love of god Mike
Please stop saying ORAL DELIGHT

In your rant you forgot testicuzzis
Get dipping boys and Fozzy Bear here
So quit being so sass
Let’s record some more KASS
I’ll even buy your lame ass a beer

Mike Surber Sucks


John Pina III

Dude. You gotta admit. When Kuperman comes to bat, it’s either a three-swing strikeout, or my dude just BOMBS it out of the park. I have to say, I truly appreciate your contributions, good sir! Don’t stop, man!