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On today's THE RALPH REPORT : It's our 3rd ANNIVERSARY and our 700th EPISODE! To celebrate, we've got new music from MIKE SURBER! JAY BUSBEE from Yahoo Sports!  Prizes from the GARMY GAME SHOW! And, special guest co-host, STEVE ASHTON!


River Menks

Okay so I know this is several years later, I'm doing a re-listen. I completely forgot the absolute brilliance that is Mike Serber (sp)!!! That was an absolutely perfect delivery. I was laughing, teared up, and oh was it on the bullseye. Listening to it after Steve has transitioned, as a very deep bittersweetness. This is by far all time classic episode! Love you Garmy, Ralph, Eddie, and always in our hearts Steve. Queen J what an amazing addition you are! LMB


Omg Game show Kristy Huth! Representing Chino!!! Awesome