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Another LIVE virtual TRR cocktail party!

Ralph, Eddie, and Steve will be on hand ... Will you?


3pm (Pacific Time)

The whole GARMY is invited ... JOIN US!!!


Cocktails, anyone? - Crowdcast

Register now for Ralph Garman's event on Crowdcast, scheduled to go live on Saturday July 25, 2020 at 3:01 pm PDT.


Susan in Sweden

Just an FYI - Norsemen is Norwegian, not Swedish. But it's brilliant anyway

Caryn & Jon Fink

Thanks for asking my question! I had a pretty solid guess on Ralph’s favorite memory. I love ComicCon and have been going for the past dozen or so years. I remember back when you could buy your tickets for the following year at a desk right next to bag pickup to go in. It’s changed a lot since I’ve been going but I love it because every time I go something magical happens. Nothing supernatural (yet), just cool confluences like wearing a shirt for your favorite show or game and having someone from that show/game find you in a crowd. Stuff like that... and it can mostly only happen for us regular folks at ComicCon (or cons like it).